Haining chaoyi apparel embroidery co., LTD
服务至上 诚信经营
公司以现代企业管理模式为标准,并拥有良好素质的职工队伍及精良齐全设备,优雅的作业环境及完善的质量管理体系,在同行业中 一直保持一定的优势,在与客户业务交往中,公司本着“质量第一,客户至上”的营销思路,取信于客户,立足于市场,在客户协作中一直保持良好的合作关系,提供的特种剌绣产品质量上乘,价格合理,送货及时,服务优质。
公司产品采用的都是优质环保材料:耐高温的PET亮片片材,玻璃珠子、珠管、包芯线,人造丝等, 由机器生产或者手工精制而成。产品做工精细、质量上乘、款式新颖、品种齐全。超亿产品广泛应用于:服装鞋帽、家用纺织品的镶边及配套。
本着“人无我有, 人有我优”“专业、专心、专长”的企业宗旨, 海宁超亿全体同仁将竭诚为广大新老客户提供优异的产品及服务。
Lace embroidery Weaving Chaoyi Welcome to Haining Chaoyi Chaoyi Professional offers you: Lace Tassel Bead tube embroidery Bead embroidery Special embroidery Taping embroidery Cording embroidery Sequin embroidery Chain embroidery/ Towel embroidery Tufting embroidery Shells embroidery Fringes Crochet embroidery Beads embroidery Wood beaded embroidery Iron chain embroidery Elastic embroidery Wrinkle embroidery Hand laces Tassel laces Wrapped embroidery Bead chain embroidery Toothbrush embroidery Copper beads embroidery Three - dimensional embroidery Stone embroidery Cutwork lace Alphabets embroidery Emblem embroidery Textiles lace the high-end specialty products Emblem embroidery Textiles laces the high-end specialty products Emblem embroidery
Chaoyi products using beads Bead chain Copper beads wood bead diamond stones sequins gold and silver and other high quality material produced with machines or hand crafted fine workmanship quality good style novel full range Chaoyi products are widely used in: clothing shoes and hats household textiles trim and matching......
With of " professional focus and speciality" the enterprise spirit Haining Chaoyi will be dedicated to the broad masses of old and new customers first-class products and services......